09 Jan South Glens Fall Chamber Business Meeting 1/8/23 ~ A Summary
The South Glens Falls~Town of Moreau Chamber of Commerce meets on the second Monday of the month, 5-6pm at various locations. Check Facebook and Event Calendar for locations, usually the Moreau Community Center or the SGF Police Department Conference Room.
These are not official minutes, but a summary of topics discussed. As always, all members and not-yet members are welcome to attend and share ideas. We need you! #StrongerTogether
- President’s Report: Cheryl Lawyer
- Resignation of 20 year member, Tom Cumm. Recognition of his years of service and offer to sponsor Concerts in the Park and assist whenever possible.
- Holiday Mixer 12/7/23 – a wonderful event at Common Roots; 5 new member applications!
- Membership – YTD 13 new and renewed members!
- Review of Bylaws
- Review of insurance costs
- Website – shout out to BlackDog and members Alicia and Josh for all their help
- SGF Memorial Day Parade – President coordinates; SGF Chamber will participate first time
- Committee Reports
- Concerts in the Park – Committee Joe Kelly, Cheryl Lawyer, JD Donahue; 2024 meeting pending; new members welcome to solicit sponsors and performers, and promote; restaurant discount coupons for attendees discussed
- Old Business
- Member window stickers are coming
- Golf Tournament – Airway Meadow Golf Course, 8/16/24; committee members engaged and sponsors needed; meeting 2/12 noon lunch meeting @ SPoT Coffee.
- New Business
- Third Thursday Networking Breakfast at Common Roots Brewing Cafe, 1/18/24 7-8:30am; Carrie Woerner will be attending; please let us know if you can attend so we can have a meaniful time.
- Next Mixer proposed for March at Humbuggs; date TBD
- Open Forum
- Proposed Christmas Tree Lighting event at SGF Historical Park; Bill Ramsey will lead initiative
- Adjourn – Next meeting February 12, 2024, location TBD