29 Feb News from the South Glens Falls-Town of Moreau Chamber of Commerce, 2/29/2024
There’s so much going on at the Chamber and we are looking for members to join us. We are looking forward to 2024!
Last Business Meeting 2/12/24 (usually 2nd Monday of each month 5-6pm; no business meeting in March because of the mixer on 3/7)
- Scholarship Committee – Ashley Wilbur has assumed Chair for the committee. Three $500 scholarships will be awarded to South High graduates.
- Third Thursday Breakfast Networking Meeting at Common Roots Cafe
* 1/18 – 15 attendees including Carrie Woerner and SGF Central Schools Superintendent Kristine Orr
* 2/15 – 8 attendees; welcome new members and not-yet-members!
Next Meeting: 3/21, 7-8:30am; networking starts promptly at 7:30am; all are welcome – please let me know if you can join us - Member Spotlights needed to feature on the website and Facebook. Please contact Alicia at membership@sgfchamber.com
- Website – Working with BlackDog Marketing for in-kind support.
- Concerts in the Park – Performers line-up confirmed. Sponsors needed: $500 each or $1000 for exclusive. Line-up and sponsor contact info can be found at https://www.facebook.com/
events/781856133755959/ 781856160422623 - Membership window cling stickers are now available. Pick yours up at the Cabin Fever Mixer on 3/7!
- Cabin Fever Mixer – March 7, 6pm at Humbugg’s. Brief business meeting at 5pm. Free to join – members and not-yet-members. Appetizers and door prizes. Let me know if you’d like to attend and/or would like to donate a door prize.
- Golf Tournament 8/16, Airway Meadows Golf Course – golfers and sponsors needed!
- Ribbon Cuttings – first planned for Mr. Bill’s Carhop sometime in April; looking for more!
- Christmas Tree Lighting in SGF Historical Park Gazebo – date tbd; Bill Ramsey coordinating
- Earth Day Clean-up Day 4/20 – Chamber participating; volunteers needed; please contact me for more information
- Memorial Day Parade 5/24 6pm – Chamber participating
- FOLLOW, LIKE, AND SHARE your news on our Facebook page!
- Check out the Chamber’s Business Directory!
Well, as you can see we have a lot going on to support our businesses and community. Please join us! Membership application can be found online at https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeI0a- s9roMwJjM_H0fZJ50m6HNlPHT- aqJjm2ijImIahDAaA/viewform? pli=1 For more information about benefits of membership, contact Alicia at membership@sgfchamber.com or feel free to give me a call or email.
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you soon!

Cheryl Lawyer, President