News from the South Glens Falls-Town of Moreau Chamber of Commerce, July 1, 2024

June’s South Glens Falls-Town of Moreau Chamber of Commerce Board meeting was full of activities and plans. 2024 is indeed going to be a great year for our chamber. Our chamber is membership-supported – it’s YOUR chamber. All members (and not-yet-members) are welcome to join us on the second Monday of the month, 5-6pm usually at the South Glens Falls Police Department conference room. (Check Facebook for monthly updates.) A big thank you to the police department for lending the space and supporting the chamber.

Here are some highlights from the meeting:

  • Upcoming Events:
  • * 7/8 – Board Meeting 5-6pm – all are welcome (second Monday of each month), SGF Police Department conference room
    * 7/10 – Concerts in the Park, season opener with Suzie Q & Matt, 6-8pm – Full schedule is attached
    * Volunteers are welcome to ‘man’ the Chamber table and assist with parking and miscellaneous light duties.
    * 7/18, 7-8:30am – Third Thursday Networking Breakfast at Common Roots Brewing Company Cafe: Join us for a casual morning of sharing ideas and helping to support each other’s business.
  • * 8/16 – Annual Golf Tournament to support Scholarship Program, Airway Meadows,  –,

    * PLEASE support our Scholarship Program!
               * See flyer attached
    * 9/26 – Networking Mixer, location/time TBD
    * 12/13pm – First annual Holiday Tree Lighting Festival
  • News & Recent Events
    Noble Ace Hardware100th Anniversary Celebration, June 29th – Unfortunately, the weather made it not the best day to have a table at the event as planned. We look forward to attending future community events. Please let us know if you have one that we can join! We understand, despite the weather, for a short time the rain held off and they had a successful event including a food drive to support the Moreau Community Center’s Food Pantry.
    * CONGRATULATIONS SGF-Town of Moreau Chamber South High Scholarship winners! – Logan Mahoney, Anja-Marie Bruder, Adam Brennan
    * Canva Training Class 5/2 – thank you member Linda Cusma for this informative class. Stay tuned for future educational seminars
    * SGF Memorial Day Parade 5/24 – thank you all who participated!
    * Grand Re-opening Ribbon Cutting at Bills Carhop 5/18 – wow, what a fantastic community celebration. Congrats Bea and Mike!
    ~ Stay-tuned for future celebrations. To coordinate one for your business, please send me a  message.
    * Ribbon Cutting for Big Tony’s @Moreau Lake State Park, June 7th – a collaborative celebration with other chambers. Congrats Amy and Tony!
    ~ Let us know if you’d like a ribbon cutting celebration at your business!
  • Get Involved! 
    * Golf Tournament,8/16 at @Airway Meadows Golf Club – We need you! Golfers, sponsors, and in-kind prize donations to support our Scholarship Program. To register, go or contact Joan Heber,
    * Spotlights – Share your business in one of our “Member Spotlights” featured on social media, website and newsletter. Let me know if you’d like to be featured!
    * Attend a meeting or networking event – share your ideas about how we can support our community – network with other businesses.
    * Ribbon Cutting celebrations – If you’d like to plan a celebration complete with ribbon cutting, promotions, and attendees, please let me know. We are ready to celebrate your business!
    * Facebook – be sure to Like, Share and Post to our Facebook page!

Click to download Concerts In The Park 2024 flyer

Best wishes and I look forward to hearing from and seeing you soon!

Cheryl F. Lawyer, President
South Glens Falls Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1436, South Glens Falls, NY 12803
(518)290-1626    C: (518)260-1877